(518) 464-0660

Clifton Park, NY

Kitchen & Bathroom Remodeling Professionals Serving Clifton Park, NY

Clifton Park, NY is a few miles north of Albany and a couple miles east of Schenectady. Located in Saratoga County, Clifton Park has long been recognized as a fantastic place to live which is in line with our town’s motto: “A Great Place to Live, Work and Play!” As a part of New York’s Tech Valley, those in our community work hard every day to improve Clifton Park for the better. If you already own property in this area, you can take advantage of Clifton Park’s continued improvement by maintaining and improving your property. Every home improvement you make increases your property value.

Two home improvement projects you can do that can make a significant difference in your home are bathroom remodeling and kitchen remodeling. The kitchen and the bathroom are two areas of the home that homeowners want to look stunning. A bathroom should be a peaceful spot to relax, and a kitchen should have all the space and appliances you need to prepare delicious meals. Fortunately, the professionals at Kitchen & Bath World are always happy to complete bathroom and kitchen remodeling projects in the Clifton Park, NY area.

Contact Us to Discuss Your New Bathroom or Kitchen Design

Our kitchen and bathroom remodeling showroom is located 19 miles from Clifton Park, in nearby Albany. However, when you want to begin your remodeling project, you can either stop by our showroom or give us a call. We offer in-person and virtual design consultations to get a better idea of your vision for your project. Once we have an idea of your bathroom or kitchen design requirements, you are welcome to tour through over 13,000 sq. ft. of our showroom to select what materials you want your design to have. We invite you to get in touch today to get started on your bathroom or kitchen design project.